Waterwheel Partner Opportunity

Hub Partner $5,000 Contribution

Spoke Partner $1,500 Contribution

Bucket Partner $500 Contribution

As our special thanks to partnerships, Hub, Spoke, and Bucket Partners will be recognized with their name placed on our historical waterwheel display wall inside the Red Mill.

The Red Mill Waterwheel Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all contributions are tax deductible.


Waterwheel Partner Opportunity

Hub Partner $5,000 Contribution

Spoke Partner $1,500 Contribution

Bucket Partner $500 Contribution

As our special thanks to partnerships, Hub, Spoke, and Bucket Partners will be recognized with their name placed on our historical waterwheel display wall inside the Red Mill.


The Red Mill Waterwheel Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all contributions are tax deductible.


Make it stand out.

As our special thanks to partnerships, Hub, Spoke, and Bucket Partners will be recognized with their name placed on our historical waterwheel display wall inside the Red Mill.